Newtown Plaza, Relience Smart Building, Action Area 1C, Near Axis Mall Kolkata-700156

About Us




About us

Newtown Bible Church is a family of People of Diverse origins that come together every Sunday under one roof to Worship the King of Kings Jesus Christ! Every person here makes both Vertical and Horizontal connections that last forever! We believe that spending time in fellowship with fellow Believers helps in mutual encouragement and deep-rooted Discipleships. Our Values are Biblical and we care for the Society we live in by spreading Love, Peace and Community Development.

Faith Statement

Our Statement of Faith

BIBLE : We believe the Bible to be the complete Word of God; that the sixty-six (66) books, as originally written, comprising the Old Testament and the New Testaments are inspired by the Holy Spirit and are inerrant. The Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice and the basis of Christian life and unity.

GOD : We believe in One GOD, creator of all, holy, sovereign, eternal, existing in three equal persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

CHRIST : We believe in the absolute and essential deity of Jesus Christ, in His eternal existence with the Father in pre-incarnate glory, in His virgin birth, sinless life, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, triumphant ascension, mediatorial and personal return.

The HOLY SPIRIT : We believe in the absolute and essential deity and personality of the Holy Spirit, who convinces of sin, righteousness and judgment; who regenerates, sanctifies, illuminates and comforts those who believe in Jesus Christ.

SATAN : We believe that Satan exists as an evil personality, the originator of sin, the archenemy of God and man.

MAN : We believe that man was divinely created in the image of God; that he sinned, becoming guilty before God, resulting in total depravity, thereby incurring physical and spiritual death.

SALVATION: We believe that salvation is by the sovereign, electing grace of God; that by the appointment of the Father, Christ voluntarily suffered a vicarious, expiatory and propitiatory death; that justification is by faith alone in the all sufficient sacrifice and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and that those whom God has effectually called shall be divinely preserved and finally perfected in the image of God.

FUTURE THINGS : We believe in the personal, bodily and glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ; in the bodily resurrection of the just and unjust; in the eternal blessedness of the redeemed and in the judgment and conscious eternal punishment of the wicked.

The LOCAL CHURCH : We believe that –

  • A church is a company of believers, called out from the world, separated unto the Lord Jesus, voluntarily associated for the ministry of the Word, the mutual edification of its members, the propagation of the faith and the observance of the ordinances.
  • We believe it is a sovereign, independent body, exercising its own divinely awarded gifts, precepts and privileges under the Lordship of Christ, the Great Head of the Church.
  • We believe that its principal officers are Pastors, Elders and Deacons.
  • We believe in the priesthood of believers wherein every believer enjoys equality


ORDINANCES : We believe that there are two ordinances that the church regularly observed in the New Testament:

  • Baptism which is an act of identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection.
  • The Lord’s Supper which is a memorial instituted by the Lord Jesus that helps His church to remember His death, burial, resurrection and return.


Foundational Principles :

  • Know Jesus
  • Show Jesus
  • Grow in Jesus